Supercharge Your Immunity With These Protective Supplements
“Nutritional supplements are not just a good idea. For fighting viruses, they are absolutely essential.”
Since the COVID-19 crisis, I've been getting calls and emails nearly every day from friends, family, and clients asking what they can do to boost their natural defenses. While a strong and healthy immune system alone is not a guarantee you will not contract this — or any — virus, the strength of your immune system is critical in that a strong and healthy immune system can recover faster than one that’s weak and compromised. So in this blog, I’ll get right to the heart of the matter and talk about specific nutrients that have been scientifically proven to support your body’s natural immune response.
But first, we can’t go without highlighting the multifaceted habits that can keep you safeguarded:
Stay hydrated with adequate fluids.
Aim for 8 hours of sleep each night. Try these holistic rituals for better sleep.
Wash your hands often.
Take off your shoes when inside.
Rest, relax, and reduce stress.
Exercise — outside in fresh air and sunshine when possible.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Reach for these foods to enhance immunity.
Take immune-boosting supplements. Here are my top five:
Vitamin D3: This one comes first because a new study has confirmed vitamin D is more effective than the flu vaccine. A three year trial of taking 800IU of vitamin D3 per day showed a reduction in colds and flu by up to 70%! Vitamin D is an extremely supportive nutrient to boost the immune system and when we are ill, it helps the immune system identify and destroy bacteria and viruses. It prevents viral and bacterial upper respiratory infections, and turns on key peptides in the immune system to trigger a strong antimicrobial response. Most of us are woefully short on vitamin D and that’s because we simply can’t get all the D we need from food. To get a significant boost in immune levels, you can do two things: get lots of sunshine and additional vitamin D3 from high quality supplements.
Probiotics: Research suggests our gut health and immunity go hand in hand. Since 70 percent of our immune system is housed in our gut, it makes sense that having more of the good bacteria will crowd out the bad. A diverse gut flora teaches the immune system to differentiate between friend and foe (bad bacteria, viruses, etc.) and prevent the gut from absorbing foreign invaders into the blood stream. Not just any probiotic supplement will do the trick, because studies show the live cultures in most probiotics never survive the bacteria-killing stomach acid on the way to the gut making them, well, worthless. So please don’t be fooled by the number of CFU’s you see on the label… it’s all about the number of live cultures that survive the trip. I use Optiflora DI daily because it is designed to withstand stomach acid and release in the gut to keep cultures thriving.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a superstar in the world of nutrition. This essential nutrient affects everything from our immune function to our skin health and energy levels. Your body is capable of many things, but it can't make vitamin C. When sick, your body's need for C increases dramatically. In fact, a lack of vitamin C can even make you more prone to getting sick. I keep these chewables on my desk and pop a few at a time throughout the day.
Zinc: You can think of zinc like the raincoat you would put on to protect yourself from the storm before you step outside to face the rain. It has been shown to cut the time you have a cold by about 24 hours, and has been found to greatly reduce the severity of symptoms. The problem is, most people don’t get enough zinc from their diet due to the depleted nature of our soils. I load up on it if I’m traveling or people around me are sick, not just when I feel like I'm getting sick. This super-affordable bottle does the trick and goes a long way.
Interferon: Scientists and medical communities have identified interferon as being crucial to healthy immune function. Because interferon directs our immune cells and activates immune responses to help fight off pathogens, it has been referred to as the “brains” behind our immune system. Unfortunately, as we age our bodies produce less and less interferon, which is why our immunity becomes compromised over time. I get a boost of interferon through a supplement called NutriFeron, which contains a blend of plant extracts designed to naturally increase levels of interferon and provide immune support at the cellular level.
And know that you don’t have to go ‘all-in’ to make an impact. Whether you take one immune boosting supplement, or a variety, you can rest assured you’re doing your body good by investing in your preventive healthcare.
While there is no one magic bullet that can immediately restore a suppressed immune system, adopting healthy habits like hand washing and fortifying your body with key protective nutrients can make a big impact.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always talk with your healthcare provider before starting a new supplement regimen.
Hidden nutrient gaps may be the reason you're showing up as less than your best.