A Grocery List For Immunity
“Nature is so smart she put the medicine in the food.”
Our bodies are naturally equipped with an immune system that protects us from harmful microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins. But poor nutrition, stress, and external factors like pollution can weaken it, making our body more vulnerable to sickness.
While traditional over-the-counter pharmaceuticals can alleviate a stuffy nose or headache, they simply mask the problem. The real medicine is found in nature's 'farmacy'. The best defense against pesky seasonal illnesses is a healthy gut and fortified body filled with plant-rich superfoods that can prevent germs from taking hold.
The next time you visit your local grocer or farmer’s market, reach for these foods to power up your immunity:
Citrus: Vitamin C is thought to increase the production of white blood cells, which are key to fighting infections. Because your body doesn't produce or store vitamin C, you need a daily dose for ongoing health. All citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, and with such a variety to choose from, it's easy to add a squeeze of this vitamin to any meal - or glass of water!
Kiwi: Kiwis are full of vitamin C. In fact, just 1 cup of kiwi provides about 273 percent of your daily recommended value. And forget the tedious peeling - that skin is fiber-rich! You can wipe off its fuzz with a cloth or paper towel and sink your teeth into one just like you would a fresh, juicy peach.
Papaya: Papaya is another fruit loaded with vitamin C. You can find 224 percent of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C in a single papaya. Papayas also have a digestive enzyme called papain that has anti-inflammatory effects. Papayas have decent amounts of potassium, B vitamins, and folate, all of which are beneficial to your overall health.
Red Bell Peppers: Ounce for ounce, red bell peppers contain twice as much vitamin C as citrus fruits. They’re also a rich source of beta carotene, an antioxidant that helps keep your eyes and skin healthy.
Broccoli: Broccoli is supercharged with immune-enhancing vitamins and minerals. But perhaps it’s most magical compound, sulforaphane, engages a set of antioxidant genes and enzymes in some immune cells that fight free radicals.
Garlic: Garlic’s immune-boosting properties come from a heavy concentration of sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin. Even early civilizations recognized its value in fighting infections. Soak garlic in local raw honey, and when you need a cough or sore throat remedy, blend the garlic-honey mixture with fresh lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar and sip away.
Mushrooms: (shiitake, matsutake, reishi, chaga, etc.) have a long history of helping support the immune system thanks to their antiviral properties. Mushrooms contain beta-glucan polysaccharides, a type of carbohydrate, which have been proven to enhance immune response.
Raw Almonds: When it comes to preventing and fighting off colds, vitamin E tends to take a backseat to vitamin C. However, vitamin E is key to a healthy immune system. It’s a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it requires the presence of fat to be absorbed properly. Nuts, such as almonds, are packed with vitamin E and also have healthy fats.
Ginger: Ginger is another one of mother nature’s ingredients many turn to when sick. A natural anti-inflammatory and painkiller, ginger can reduce cold and flu symptoms, as well as indigestion, stomach aches, headaches, sore throats, and nausea.
Green Tea: Green tea is packed with flavonoids, particularity epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to enhance immune function. Green tea is also a good source of the amino acid L-theanine, which may aid in the production of germ-fighting compounds in your T-cells.
Fueling your body with more plants is always a worthwhile practice. And we can’t forget - good sleep, exercise, proper hydration, protective supplements, frequent hand washing, and stress reduction are all key players in staying well, too.
Hidden nutrient gaps may be the reason you're showing up as less than your best.